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Accessories > Set of 5 Open Ear Inserts, Earmolds for Acoustic Tube Earpieces Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and Extra Small Black or Beige S-04-3
Welcome to TAPaulk Communications, LLC. We are a leading manufacturer of two-way radio accessories specializing in acoustic tube earpieces, speaker microphones and bone conduction headsets. Our warehouse is located in West Virginia, U.S. Our product line serves all types of clients using two-way radios. TAPaulk Communications, LLC serves many markets including public safety, fire, medical, industrial, commercial, hospitality and entertainment professionals. TAPaulk Communications, LLC offers accessories for various radios including Motorola, Kenwood, Icom, EF Johnson, Relm/Bendix, Vertex/Yaesu, Maxon/Legacy, Midland, Sepura, Nokia, Harris (M/A-COM), Tyco, EADS, Tait, Tekk, Ritron, and HYT.
Set of 5 Open Ear Inserts, Earmolds for Acoustic Tube Earpieces Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and Extra Small Black or Beige S-04-3
Product Description

Set of 5 TAPaulk's Semi Custom EarMolds. Not exactly sure what size Earmold you need? With this set of 5 EarMolds you will receive 1 of each size Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Our Flexible Open Ear Inserts or (Ear Molds) are molded from hypoallergenic plastic in three sizes to accommodate right or left ear use, and require no modifications of the earphone to attach. While the Flexible Open Ear Insert fits entirely inside the ear, its open frame design still allows the user to hear ambient noise. The ultra flexible material comfortably conforms to the shape of the users ear, even permitting telephone and headset use while wearing the Flexible Open Ear Insert.
Comparable to much higher brand models, our EarMolds are a great choice for professional users!
Product Specs
- Professional grade
- Provides comfortable wearing for long periods of time
- Doesn't block hearing
- Allows user to hear ambient sound from the same ear
- Available for right or left ear
- Set of 5 sizes: extra small, small, medium, large and extra large
- No modification to attach to earphone
Sizing Specs
Extra Small: Concha bowl height less than 15⁄16 of an inch.
Small: Concha bowl height 15⁄16 to 1 inch.
Medium: Concha bowl height 1 inch.
Large: Concha bowl height 1 and 1⁄16 to 1 and 3⁄16 of an inch.
Extra Large: Concha bowl height greater than 1 and 3⁄16 of an inch.
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